Even though there is a heat wave predicted, there's nothing better than getting back into the woods. We have updates form out charcoal education experience, November Woodland Management session dates, Chainsaw skills, Heartwood AGM minutes, Biochar, Hub update and more.
David Gravett - Membership Coordinator
What's In this Woodfueler
November Woodland Management Dates
Home Education Event
On the 12th of September a small group of Heartwood members ran a charcoal education event for a group of home educated children over at the Outwoods in Charnwood. We delivered part of the education pack created by the NFC, but now with us to use and deliver.
It rained for the whole session, but thankfully we were under cover and the children loved it, especially the drawing and getting dirty hands and faces.
If anyone would like to know more about the teaching package, we have either to help deliver for Heartwood or perhaps use with your own family/friends then please let us know we can give you more information. It’s an excellent teaching aid which we should use as much as possible.

Kevin Banton | Heartwood Chair
Session Arrival Times
Session arrival and start times are outlined in the session details, so this is a gentle reminder that we need all attendees on site and at the camp by 09.45 for the brief. This ensures we get a clean start to the session at 10:00. If you are going to be late for whatever reason please let us know, but if you do arrive late, you will be asked to remain after the brief for your own brief, as you can imagine this is another overhead for an already busy lead. The content of the brief is important and is part of our commitment to landowners in support of safety and site-specific requirements.
If you are a nominated ATV driver or the Loadmaster for the session, we need you to arrive earlier (by 09:00) to ensure we have transport for the tools and kit and that arrivals are recorded. There is generally someone on site from 08:30 to open-up and start putting the safety signs in place.
Kevin Banton | Heartwood Chair
November Woodland Management Dates
November Woodland Management sessions go live to all members to book at 6pm Sunday 1st October. As always, if a session is full and you would like to attend, please add yourself to the waiting list. While this doesn't guarantee you'll get a space it does give us an indication of demand.
As always, if you are booked onto a session or are on the waiting list and can no longer attend please book off as this could allow another member the opportunity to attend a session.
David Gravett | Membership Co-ordinator
Chainsaw Skills
We will be running a chainsaw skills session for members on Sunday 22nd October at the Hub. This will cover chainsaw use at home and advice about tool maintenance, PPE, and safety. This session is aimed at members who don't have a chainsaw certificate.
Please note: only members with a valid chainsaw certificate are permitted to use a chainsaw on Heartwood sessions, but anyone can attend this skill session.
If you would like more details before booking onto this session please get in touch.
David Gravett | Membership Co-ordinator
Heartwood AGM
Thank you to all the members who managed to join us for the group AGM. It’s always rewarding to share the successes and plans of the group with as many members as possible. If you couldn’t join the meeting the minutes are posted on the web site for your info Heartwood AGM 2023 Minutes, but feel free to contact me if there is anything more, you’d like to know. As always, all members are more than welcome to be part of the running and management of the group in whatever way suits you time wise, so again contact me if you would like to discuss.
Kevin Banton | Heartwood Chair
Heartwood will be working with the National Forest Company (NFC) in a project looking at production, uses and benefits of biochar. This is an initiative suggested by the NFC during conversations at the Timber Festival. Several of the group have been putting together a case for a pilot, which is being funded by the NFC, to ensure the group can support this pilot project along with all our existing work and commitments. The whole biochar subject is fascinating and will provide an interesting and exciting opportunity for Heartwood.
A wider biochar project is already underway looking at the benefits of biochar in Forestry, Farming and Horticulture. Nottingham University and the NFC are working together on the Forestry aspect.
Anyone interested in getting involved please let us know. The first stage will be the delivery of a “Kontiki Kiln†in a couple of weeks. Information and a video of the kiln can be found here https://www.biochar.wales/about-3
There is also a great deal of reading and information available on the uses of biochar, again contact us if you would like to find out more.
Kevin Banton | Heartwood Chair
The Hub Update
It’s been a little quiet at the Hub after all the activity last month, but we are now in the run-up to Halloween and Christmas which is always busy, exciting, and beneficial for the group regarding income.
Preparing for this takes quite a bit of effort with gathering materials, planning sessions, and selling/delivering the goods, so the more willing hands the better. Coming along to make something for yourself and then helping create a few more items for sale always seems to work well and there’s plenty of help and support for anyone who haven’t had a go before.
We made a great start at the TOITW session on the 30th September where 20 Besoms were made, mainly by members who have never even had a go before. Lots of other work completed included chainsaw warm-up ahead of the season, harvesting materials for Christmas crafts, both retorts ran, track repairs with rubble from one of the members and pre-season work in Edwards wood ready for the first woodland management session later in October.
Chris Adams, Kevin Banton, Dave Barker | Hub Team
Has anyone got a computer projector they no longer need or use? We do occasional presentations to local societies and schools and could really do with a projector. We have borrowed one in the past, but never know if that one will be available. We’ll be happy to purchase from anyone that has one for sale.
Kevin Banton | Heartwood Chair
A Ceilidh/Barn dance will be held on Saturday 18th November at Hugglescote Community Centre, Grange Road, Hugglescote (by the crossroads).
Start time 7:30
Cost £8
Proceeds in aid of St John the Baptist Church, Hugglescote
Food and Bar
Details from Mary Lorimer 01530 837321 or