Here are some of the questions that we get asked by potential members, if you have a question that isn't coverred here then please send an email to
You don't need to as we provide all the tools you will need to use for the session that you attend.
No. Only Members who have passed an accredited Chainsaw course are permitted to use chainsaws at our sessions.
There is no obligation to attend any number of sessions.
You need to wear suitable outdoor clothing (including waterproofs), Safety boots (steel toe capped or equivalent) or stout footwear, No trainers. Work gloves. Some lunch and a cold drink. A mug for a hot drink
While we're always happy to see new faces, please get you friend to email us about membership so they can book onto a session. Knowing the number of members attending a session is essential in planning what work will be carried out and what tools / PPE will be required.
On a normal session you can expect to get enough to fill the boot of most standard cars.
Wood that you take home from a session will need to be seasoned for a minimum of 12-18 months to achieve a moisture content of 20% or lower. Logs will dry quicker if they are cut and split to the desired length to fit your stove or log burner.